
The marine environment often features some of the harshest conditions under which machines of any kind must operate. The corrosive nature of saltwater and the intense forces of nature often acting on vessels make it a challenge to keep them maintained to a high technical standard, compliant with international requirements, safe, and in a continual seaworthy condition. When you add to that the challenges of marine organisms such as barnacles and other alien invasive species it takes a lot of maintenance to keep sea-going vessels serviceable and efficient.

Technicians have to be prepared for just about anything, and circumstances are very different for a technician safely working in a drydock workshop as opposed to one at sea … in a storm … at night! And there are so many components of larger vessels that need to be maintained, including engines, fuel tanks, pumps, driveshafts, hulls, bulkheads, chains, anchors, ropes, hoses, command and control systems, navigation systems, weapons systems, and electronics - to name just a few.

So how do you optimally manage your daily and ad-hoc maintenance requirements, as well as effectively plan for frequent and repetitive preventative maintenance schedules? What things do you need to do to ensure that shipping and navigation can continue with minimal disruption? Well, that’s where the combination of Sage 300 and Technisoft Service Manager comes in.

The Advanced Maintenance add-on module for Technisoft Service Manager provides you with a comprehensive toolbox of features to allow accurate forecasting of future parts and labor requirements with incredible efficiency. Whether your servicing is based on vessel mileage, engine hours, the passing of time, or other metrics, Advanced Maintenance will help you always be one step ahead. Although not required to take full advantage of our preventative maintenance system, Service Manager can support up to fifteen tiers of cross-level dependencies should your planning schemes need such a fine granularity of control.

For ad-hoc and emergency repair servicing, Technisoft Service Manager will always meet your information requirements - both in the dock and at sea. You can use work tickets to record costs for all labor and parts as necessary, and if desired all financial data can be associated with individual equipment assets to build detailed asset servicing histories. On top of this, you can make notations, attach photos and even insert purchase orders straight into the document - fully integrated with the powerful Sage 300 purchase ordering system, of course.

No doubt managing the servicing of marine vessels both large and small requires a lot of consideration and organization. Technisoft Service Manager is just one more piece of that pie, but you can rest assured that it will always give you the information you need to keep your boats afloat!