What is Software Assurance

Software Assurance is a contract between Technisoft and its customers where Technisoft will provide a range of software-related benefits to participating customers for an annual fee based on a percentage of the original software purchase price.


Annual Software Updates: Service Manager is constantly undergoing research and development to ensure that the product features and technology remain abreast with market trends, business processes, and user requests. The Software Assurance program provides you with an economical means by which to budget software expenses, to ensure your system remains current and you continuously benefit from the advances made in software development.

Regular Communications: We regularly release bulletins focused on providing you with information on the latest product features and enhancements in addition to tips and special promotions. As a member of the Software Assurance program, you are assured of being kept informed about the latest trends and software enhancements.

New Function Requests: No two businesses are the same. Whether it is a field you would like added, a desired process implemented, or simply to remove fields from a particular screen, you can log your request at our website and we will endeavor to implement these changes for you. (Charges may apply for custom work).

Custom Work Discounts: Technisoft Software Assurance entitles you to a 15% discount on any custom development work undertaken on your behalf.

New Product Discounts: You may be entitled to special pricing on any new products that we release. This can amount to substantial savings for your business and at the same time help you derive benefits from the new application/s.

Support Issue Management: If you log a support request to Technisoft via email or on our website, we will manage and follow up on your request with both yourself and your Sage 300 Solution Provider to ensure that your issue is successfully resolved as quickly as possible. Of course, your first port of call for service assistance and support should always be directed to your Sage 300 Solution Provider, however, we are happy to assist with this process as part of our continued efforts to "exceed your expectations".

Documentation: You will be notified as soon as updated documentation becomes available and this will be made available to you free of charge. e.g., Manuals, Help, and Quick Guides.

Contact your Sage 300 Business Partner or Technisoft to renew your Software Assurance.

Fees, Terms, and Conditions

Software Assurance is compulsory with new sales, just like the standard Sage 300 product.

Technisoft Software Assurance is priced at 18% of the Suggested Retail Price (SRP) of Technisoft software with Sage 300 Business Care at 21%, to maintain consistency in the delivery of services. It is not included in the sale price of the product and will be charged to the end user by the associated Business Partner that provided the Technisoft software.

First Year Software Assurance is compulsory, however, if you choose not to maintain your Software Assurance from year to year, a reinstatement fee equal to 20% of the then current fee for each month of lapsed coverage will apply.

Technisoft Software Assurance will provide free service packs, version upgrades, and version updates for 12 months commencing from the date that payment is received by Technisoft.

Please note that this does not cover new add-on modules released by Technisoft.


Technisoft Software Assurance provides cover for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase and is renewable annually with invoicing provided by your associated Sage 300 Business Partner.

It is not compulsory to renew Technisoft Software Assurance but is highly recommended as timely support cannot be guaranteed if using a noncurrent version of a Technisoft Product.

If a Customer chooses not to upgrade in any one year but wishes to upgrade in a subsequent year, they can do so by purchasing Technisoft Software Assurance at that time. They must purchase a minimum of one (1) full year of service and a reinstatement fee equal to 20% of the then current fee for each month of lapsed coverage will apply.

Disclaimer/Terms and Conditions of Technisoft Software Assurance