Technisoft Service Manager integrates seamlessly into Sage 300 as a service & maintenance software solution to improve:

  • Job costing
  • Preventative maintenance
  • General equipment servicing
  • Equipment transfers, warranty, rental, serial, and lot tracking
  • Standard and WIP accounting including profit analysis
  • General, recurring, and consolidated invoicing
  • Issue parts, services, travel, and contractor services
  • Time entry, labor tracking, resource utilization
  • Billable/Non-billable time
  • Task and activity checklists
  • Field servicing
  • Customer Portal access


The optional Advanced Maintenance Add-On module is ideal for large facility management applications such as in hospitals, hotels, refineries, mining sites, and vehicle fleet management.

This module supports:

  • Scheduled or meter-based maintenance plans
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Parts and labor requirements forecasts
  • Budget vs. Actual profit analysis
  • Model & site maintenance templates
  • Task and activity templates
  • Cross-level dependency
  • Agreements/Contracts


The Field Portal Add-on enables online & offline mobile capabilities for your field engineers and remote staff. With secure authenticated access via any current Apple, Android, or Windows smartphone or tablet device your team will be able to access and manage:

  • Job details, status, priority, and notations
  • Upload/download files, and photos
  • Manage equipment, parts, labor, travel, PO Reqs
  • Maps, routes, and auto phone dial functions
  • Record labor and travel time
  • Print invoices, sign-off signatures


The Advanced Scheduling Add-on is a powerful scheduling tool using simple to operate, calendar based mission control:

  • 3 pivot views - Calendar, Job List, and Timeline
  • Fully integrated into back-end accounting and job system
  • Live integration with field technicians
  • Monitor onsite time recording
  • Updating mobile phones or tablets is as simple as drawing an appointment
  • Maps, routing, alerts, email, and sync to Outlook
  • Colour appointments by status, priority, zone, job type, service center, and customer


Raise your level of customer service and provide efficiency and customer self-service with the Customer Portal Add-on. With configurable 3-tier security – Admin, General, View only - your customers can:

  • Log job or quote requests
  • Access to job or quote progress
  • View maintenance, task, and activity schedules
  • Review equipment history, warranty, and life cycle cost
  • Access Service Level Agreement/Contract information
  • Streamline communication with online chat functions


Managing your team and stock in one location can be hard enough let alone multiple locations which is why our Service Center Add-on supports your organization's management of:

  • Geographic work centers or divisions
  • GL account segment override
  • Specification of stock location defaults
  • Separate numbering for all document types - projects, jobs, quotes, templates
  • Center specific agreements, invoices, credits, and return authorizations
  • Locking an employee to a Service Center


Technisoft Discover is an analytical reporting tool that once you start using you will ask yourself how you ever coped without it.

Discover Queries

  • Query your data in a myriad of ways, such as using a partial word, ranges, dates, or pick lists.
  • Create queries across your Customers, Jobs, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, and Transactions - the list is endless to find the information you need.
  • Sort, filter, or graph your results instantly, or export to Microsoft Excel with ease.

Discover Dashboards

  • Streamline reporting and gain insight into your business using dynamic charts, graphs, or grid-based dashboards.
  • Monitor real-time KPIs and identify business bottlenecks without sifting through pages of reports.
  • Drill down on your Dashboards to easily gain more insight into your data.


Define your user access rights and give your team the ability to easily create great-looking professional user interfaces for your Crystal Reports with the Report Manager Add-on.

  • Supports any Sage 300 program module
  • Create finders, pull pull-downs, date pickers, check boxes, text edit
  • System variables replace restrictive parameters
  • Schedule, email, and manage all Crystal Reports from a central location
  • Create report groups - Service, End of Month, Profit, Balance Sheet, and Orders